Circa. 1920s-1930s
Thank you for your patience. When we were in the initial stages of planning and outlining the information we will be sharing here, we felt it was necessary at the time to have a "Classic English Setter" page which will delve into conformation and other classic attributes both older and modern English Setter gun dogs should possess.
Our web site now boasts seventeen pages (and may have a few more additions as time and needs dictate and permit). This remains one of the few pages in this endeavor which still has no information.
However we hope to be adding information here over the next several months. We have been on no set schedule as far as posting to any of our seventeen present pages are concerned and most (if not all) of the "good" information regarding English Setters is authored personally by John.
Lately, the "Fetters Setters ~ The Ryman English Setter Story" page has been one of the endeavors here which has had his focus ~ as well as the "Fetters Setters ~ History and Heritage" page, the latter for which (as time has permitted) we have been unpacking, sorting and organizing the information from the massive amount of documents, photos, etc., from the Fetters Family English Setter histories ~ for the information we will be placing there.
For those of our interested readers with the necessary patience (and we do appreciate all of the flattering and supportive emails we have received from our "Fetters Setters ~ Contact Us" page), we hope you will find the wait worthwhile.
We have had some unexpected business and also family matters to deal with in the past couple of months, and these have also delayed some of the work on our web pages here.
Once again, your patience (and support) has been greatly appreciated.